
I was very fortunate to have a chance to experience Yi Wang, the owner of Essential Energy Healing’s reiki services.

To be honest, I started with half belief and half adventure attitude. But the one-hour reiki experience that I got from Yi Wang really surprised me.

There was no talking during the healing process. But I did point out to her that my main concern was to release the pain and tension in my right shoulder and spine/hip area. You can choose to have the reiki healer’s hands touch your body or just be close to your body. I chose her hands on my body because I want to experience the more tangible feeling.

The whole process was very calm and peaceful. The meditation music was subtle and relaxing. When her hands paused at my problem area, I felt warm energy like water flowing from her palm through my body. At that moment, I felt we were connected and her positive energy entered my body which felt really amazing.

After the whole process ended, I felt really relaxed and light. The pain and stress in the problem area of my body was lighter and felt released.

I would love to experience this again and highly recommend this for anyone who wants to reduce or remove pain and stress from your body using energy that is channeled through your reiki healer.

Eva Qin

I have never heard of Reiki or Energy Healing before I met Yi. Because I was a traditional Chinese doctor before, somehow they have something in common, so I believe in it right away. I had long term anxiety for years. After few treatment, the anxiety was gone and I became to a more positive and calm person. My friends noticed my change. It feels great.


Time by time my back pain bothered me. When my back had pain, I would feel suffered and depressed. There was one day my back pain came again. I couldn’t even walk down the stairs. Anyhow, I managed to get to work and bumped into Yi. She offered to give me a quick treatment. So I agreed. When she put her hands on my back, I felt energy rushing in! It was amazing! After about 5 mins, she stopped. And my back pain was just gone! I have never had that experience before! I thought I had to go to physical therapy for a while. But Yi just used about 5 mins to heal me.

E, Sun

Yi is a passionate and intuitive healer. She is also very kind and loving.

A. C.

I had a cough for almost a year and thanks to Yi, it was amazing how energy healing healed my cough without medication. Highly recommend 👍👍👍

Eva C.

I went to see Yi Wang today for a Reiki and Quantum Touch healing. I have had Reiki before but never had a Quantum Touch healing. She made sure to ask me questions before starting the session which allowed her to focus on what I wanted to work on. During the session I could feel peace and tranquility settling in my mind and body. Afterwards she explained what she noticed and what she cleared. I am so grateful for Quantum Touch healing. I really feel like it made a big impacted in my healing journey. 💖

Michelle D.

My introduction to quantum healing through Yi Wang was absolutely transformative. Her prowess as a healer was simply astounding. She effortlessly pinpointed my personal issues, emanating from one of my chakras, and remarkably, discerned the intricate dynamics within my household, all without any prompting from me. What truly took my breath away was the rapidity with which positive changes unfolded. Within just a week, my entire family experienced profound shifts, so tangible and uplifting. My heart brims with gratitude towards Yi Wang for her remarkable quantum healing, which catalyzed such profound and rapid transformations in our lives.

Zoe Tr.

I have been holding a lot of tension in my shoulders and Yi helped move and clear some of the stuck energy. She also worked on decreasing my anxiety and allergies. I certainly feel the difference in my anxiety and am hoping to see a difference in my allergies. Looking forward to my next session! Thank you Yi!

Erica N.